All astrological graphic images
on this Star Quest Astrology
page are copyright by R. Logush (C) 1996.
1 The goal of the Basic Astrology Course is not only to teach the fundamentals, but also to help the student to develop his analytical skills, that are much needed to interpret a chart. It is easy to learn keywords and definitions. What you the student needs to learn, is to interpret all the factors in a chart into a whole picture. Your creative thinking process should begin early in these lessons, so that this may be achieved. Before we go any further, I would like to mention that we will not be deal- ing with the calculation part of the chart or horoscope in the basic course. Although it seems to have been a prerequisite that astrologers learn and know how to calculate a chart manually. Modern times have brought significant changes in this area. Astrological software, which is easily available today. Unlike my beginning days of learning astrology, there were no astrology software programs. There are several astrology software packages available, which can be obtained free on the internet called shareware or freeware. One easy to use and understand is called Astroscan. You are able to download the newly released version 1.2 here on my homepage under the heading of software. The first several lessons are devoted to the thirty four primary factors. The 10 planets, the 12 zodiacal signs and the 12 houses. My intent at this point is to give you a wide general concept of astrology. "What is you Sun Sign ?" is a commonly asked question between two people who are trying to get to know each other. Astrology fascinates many people. Yet very few have any real knowledge, or understanding of what astrology is. To most astrology consists of brief horoscope columns that appear in newspapers and magazines. Unfortunately they do no begin to touch upon what astrology and horoscopes are all about. In general astrology holds the idea that there is a connection between the heavens and the earth, that these are united in some way. The great cosmic events that happen beyond the earth ( eclipses, planetary line-ups etc ) do not cause events to occur here on earth, but rather influence the events happening here on earth. Astrology is the study of heavenly cycles and cosmic events as they are reflected here in our earthly environment. By studying our cosmic clock ( astrology ) we have a tool to give us better control and to see the order of things. Astrology is the study of the cycles of the Sun, Moon and planets. It is the repeating pattern that enables us to recognize events. A horoscope chart is a map of the positions of the planets including the Sun and Moon; calculated for specific time and place. The date time and place of birth are very important. By studying the planetary arrangement for a given moment the astrologer, can gain an accurate picture of what has happened on earth at that moment. This is what astrology is all about. Astrology helps us to see ourselves and life in greater perspective. Astrology also provides very specific information to help us direct the events in our life with greater success. It also offers a new way of organizing the events in our life, a new way of seeing and understanding them. Now, I would like to introduce you to some of the terms and tools of astrology. ASTROLOGICAL TERMS The focus of this Basic Course is Natal Astrology. The primary purpose of natal astrology is to construct a horoscope chart based on specific birth data and then to interpret the meanings in the chart in order to obtain important information about the person whose birth data was used. The horoscope chart is called by many other names such as natal chart, natal horoscope, chart wheel, radix wheel or birth chart etc. Refer to figure 1. |
Figure 1 |
may not understand what you are looking
at right now and may seem like just a confusing jumble of figures and
In time this will all become very clear to you. For now, I just want
to understand what a horoscope chart looks like. Figure 1 is the
zodiac wheel with the ruling planet or planets of each sign.
A NATAL HOROSCOPE consists of a series of mathematical calculations for the birth moment of a person. These calculations include the positions of the Sun, Moon and eight planets in the zodiac plus several other sensitive point ( ascendant, midheaven etc. ) which will be discussed later in the course in more detail. A CHART WHEEL. The information is arranged in a chart wheel as shown in figure2 for the moment of birth. The top of the chart or MC ( MIDHEAVEN ) is the part of the zodiac directly above your head while the bottom of the chart or IC ( NADIR ) is the part beneath your feet. At he extreme left hand side of the wheel is the ASC ( ASCENDANT ) or RISING SIGN which is that part of the zodiac that is on the horizon ( rising ) at birth. The DESCENDANT is
on the right hand side of the chart,
this is the part of the zodiac that is setting.
Figure 2 |
PLANETS are placed around the wheel
where they appear in the zodiac at the time of birth. In figure 1 the
and zodiac signs are shown in symbol form these are known as GLYPHS in
PLANET POSITIONS. The planets are placed around the wheel in their zodiac positions. The zodiac is and easy way to measure where a given planet is in the sky. SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. The zodiac stretches through all 360 degrees of the sky and is divided into 12 SIGNS ( Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc. ) of 30 degrees each. Planetary positions are measured within the Signs by Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds. HOUSE CUSPS. The Zodiac is divided into 12 sections of HOUSES according to what house system is used. There are a number of HOUSE SYSTEMS used today. The word "Cusp" is the name of the lines in the chart that mark the beginning of a house. The HOUSES are 12 pie shaped wedges that you see in figure 1. The Natal Chart is read counter clockwise, starting with the ascendant called ASC at the left side of the chart. Hence the cusp of the 1st house is also the ASCENDANT. Most house systems agree that the Ascendant marks the 1st house cusp, the Descendant the 7th, the Midheaven marks the 10th, and the Nadir the 4th house cusp. This may sound somewhat confusing. It will clear it up as we go on. HOUSE SYSTEMS. The most popular house systems in use today are the Placidian, and Koch. The Placidian house system is used for the charts in basic course. EXTENDED TECHNIQUES TRANSITS. The natal chart is compared to a chart that is cast for the current date. These are called TRANSIT CHARTS. Transits are the positions of the planets at the present moment. Transits trigger the natal chart into action or they attract minor events into our lives. PROGRESSIONS. Another popular technique is to relate the natal chart to that same natal chart as progressed into the future. The "Day for a Year " method is very popular. By this method, one day is equaled with one year of life. Thus the 35th day after birth is considered to represent the 35th year after birth. A chart for the 35 th day after birth is calculated and compared to the natal chart. SOLUNAR RETURNS. Another popular method is that of solar and lunar returns. In this technique a chart is calculated for the precise time that the Sun or Moon returns to the position it had at your birth. This chart is then compared to the Natal Chart. BASIC CONCEPTS THE ZODIAC SIGNS There are twelve signs of the zodiac, each one has a glyph or symbol and a two letter alphabetic abbreviation as shown in table 1. |
Table 1 |
Each sign occupies 30 degrees of the horoscope wheel. Figure 3 is the natural wheel and it shows the relationship of the signs. The cusp of the 1st house is 0 degrees and 0 minutes Aries. This is the beginning of the natural wheel and it corresponds to the Spring Equinox which is the first day of spring March 21st. Looking at the natural wheel counter clockwise, 30 degrees later you encounter the 2nd house cusp at 0 degrees 0 minutes of Taurus. The natural 4th house cusp is at 0 degrees 0 minutes Cancer, corresponding to the Summer Solstice, the first day of summer June 21st. The natural 7th house cusp 0 degrees Libra corresponding to the Fall Equinox, the 1st day of Autumn September 23rd. The natural 10th house cusp, 0 degrees 0 minutes Capricorn, corresponding to the Winter Solstice, the first day of winter December 21st. DEGREES, MINUTES, SECONDS All house cusps and all planet placements in a natal chart are made according to exactly where in a given zodiac sign they appeared at the moment of a person's birth. The placements are designated by degrees and fractions of degrees. Minutes and seconds are fractions of degrees. One Zodiac Sign =
30 degrees |
Figure 3 |
THE PLANETS There are eight known planets currently used in astrology plus the Sun and Moon. Technically, the Sun and Moon are luminaries, not planets. The glyphs and abbreviations for the planets are shown in the following chart. Refer to table 2. |
Table 2 |
THE ASPECTS An aspect is the relationship between two planets, in degrees and minutes, at the birth moment. This relationship is very important when interpreting the meaning of a natal chart. The aspects add an element of harmony or disharmony, ease or difficulty, smoothness or frustration to the horoscope, depending on the aspect. The harmonious aspects are the trine, sextile. The difficult aspects are the square, opposition, semi-square. The conjunction can be either harmonious or not, depending on the planets involved and some other factors. EPHEMERIS This is the single most important item you need to have in order to practice astrology, even as a beginner. An ephemeris is a book or series of books, that contains charts that show where every planet was, is or will be for every day past, present and future. RETROGRADE AND DIRECT MOTION These are terms that refer to the direction of planetary movement with relation to the earth. DIRECT is symbolized by the letter D this refers to the normal forward movement of the planets, as seen from the earth. RETROGRADE, is symbolized by the letter R, this refers to the movement of the planets that seem to be backing up as seen from the earth. The Sun and Moon never go retrograde. All the other planets do go retrograde, this is a significant time when doing interpretations. The planets do not actually back up, that would be impossible, but they appear from earth to back up due to their orbit in space. ASCENDANT The abbreviation is ASC, the ascendant is the sign and degree of that sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth, in relation to the point on earth where the birth occurs. The Ascendant is also called the Rising Sign, and it is one of the most powerful points in a natal chart. The Ascendant is always the cusp of the first house and rules that house. MIDHEAVEN The abbreviation is MC ( for Medium Coeli ), the Midheaven is the highest point ( directly overhead ) in the zodiac at the time of birth, with relation to the point on earth where the birth occurs. The Midheaven is also one of the most powerful points in the natal chart. The MC is always the cusp of the 10 house. NORTH AND SOUTH NODES The Nodes are
imaginary points in space related to
geometric fields based on the Moon's location at the time of birth. The
Nodes are used in analyzing a natal chart. The natal chart may often
show the South Node because it is always exactly opposite the North
Refer to table 4. |
Table 4 |
ELEMENTS The four elements are FIRE, EARTH, AIR, and WATER. Each zodiac sign falls into one of these elements. The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The Fire signs are
enthusiastic, energetic and optimistic. TRIPLICITY
Each zodiac sign is associated with one of these three human qualities -- CARDINAL, FIXED, and MUTABLE. The Cardinal Signs
are Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn Cardinal people
are action people, they like to initiate
THE PLANETS The symbols for
the planets are as follows, refer to
table 2. SUN
ASPECTS The symbols for the aspects are as follows, refer to table 3. CONJUNCTION
Table 3 |
GOD THE HOUSES The houses are
numbered from one to twelve.
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