In the words of Rimmer*...


Yes it's the He-Man himself! It's...
Jean-François Bélanger

*Rimmer is a character in that splendid Brittish comedy show, "Red Dwarf".

He he! Yes I like to laugh. What would be the world without some little fun?

Speaking of fun, I must confess that I am a computer gamer.
Command & Conquer, Mech Warrior, Quake, etc. You name it and I probably played it!

But I don't just play games! I also work for a livin'!
Yes, I work at Bombardier's Canadair, an aircraft manufacturer in Montreal, Canada.
I work on the Fire Detection and EXtinguishing system (FIDEEX for short) on the newest plane in developement there;

The CRJ series 700!

It's a lot of work, but I wouldn't change it for the world!
(Well, it is a great challenge, anyway.)

Another great challenge everyone has to face is school.
I am glad to say it's FINALLY over for me!
After 7 years as a university student, it's time I get my life back!
Yes, 7 long years, but every second was worth it!
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering (aeronautic option) and (Now!) Master in Aerospace.
Now because this was my last semester!


So now, on my first summer of freedom, I am going to enjoy myself!
I will do some swimming, some cycling, some body-building and some canoe-camping.
I just looove the great outdoors!
I have my own canoe at my cottage (actually, my parent's) in the Laurentians.

Well, finally, I must say that this little bundle of goodness is available NOW!
Yes girls! If You are between 22 and 28 (I'm 25) and live near the Montreal region,
you, yes YOU(!),could discover the many, many advantages of having
a Jean-François Bélanger* around!
Lovable, cuddly, fun Jeff!
If you love to love and love to be loved, please send your e-mail NOW!
Get yours Today!

*Batteries not included.
Subject must be female aged between 22 and 28, beautiful, loving and willing to have some good ol' time.
If you laughed at this joke and fill the above conditions, just send me e-mail!


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Copyright © 1997, Wysiwyg Productions
Revised -- 97/05/12