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   Stéphane Mallarmé [1842 – 1898], Great French Poet. Letter display framed & glazed to an overall size of: 13” ½ x 21” ½ [3” ½ x 4” ½] embossed patterned matte, gilt filet window, fine gilt & reddish-brown toned wood frame, Carte de Visite by Nadar photo print for display. Original A.L.S., 2 pages, 12mo, dated October 14th, 1894. To: Monsieur le Directeur. [In French translated as:] “Would I be indiscreet to ask you for a permanent pass to the Book Exhibition. I would like to make a few studies as soon as I return to Paris. Accept my thanks, and the regret of being so tardy in expressing my deepest sentiments.” One of Mallarmé's most famous poems, L'Aprés Midi D'un Faun [The Afternoon of a Faun] -1865, inspired Debussy's tone poem [1894] & was painted by Manet. Wonderful item. $3850






Mallarmé / Recto Close-Up


Mallarmé / Verso Close-Up

1 - 8 8 8 - 8 6 3 - B O O K

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- Norman Cousins

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