Mike Company Third Battalion, Fifth Marines
J.C. Bowers
Left picture, December 1967, at bottom left is the platoon sergeant, at right is the platoon Lt. The others are unknown. The next picture has LCpl Swan at left, J.C. Bowers at center, Cpl Vandergriff (Found!!) at right. Do you know anyone in the group picture? Terry Otell writes that he's in the first row, second from left. Next to him on left is Sq Leader Rich ? (from Boston), then UNK, then Sgt Blair (from Boston). On 2nd row from left Bill Russell (Valley Forge), Trowese (Chelsea, Boston), Unk, John Hercinko (Pittsburgh), Unk, Lt Richard (Rashard) (New Orleans).
Bowers at Onslo Beach in 1967, 2nd Bn Recon. On left, F-4 at DaNang Center, Crusader at DaNang At right, an Otter (amphib vehicle) Three pictures from the base camp lz, November '67? On left, LCpl Faison Center picture, rear left, Workman, Bowers, Lucibello, others are unknown. Terry Otell is second from left, second row. Right picture, 'What will we shoot those commies with next?"
J.C. Bowers with mohawk. 4 Photos by J. C. Bowers. From left to right: Montgomery, Workman and Lucibello. Probably around TET '68. (Richard Dudley, an engineer from 1st MAW, knew Montgomery, both in high school and in Vietnam...if anyone knows his whereabouts or any other info about him, please email Dick at rich.dudley@nhpeas.ang.af.mil) |