Brad Reynolds

Brad with tools of the trade

1. Brad with pack and Hipp in front, Oct/Nov of
1967. (Hipp was just found!)
2. Brad with friend, does anyone remember him? (Rock
recognized him: Bob "Sugarbear" Bryant).
3. Brad recording a cassette to send home.
4. Nameless friend, does anyone remember him?
5. Brad at the tower at An Hoa.
6. Recent reunion, Brad and Debbe Reynolds, and
J.C. Bowers.
Brad in front of hooch.
Brad Reynolds, coming off Operation Essex, November
Brad Reynolds' best friend, Thomas Briggs, KIA
February 8, 1968.

These four pictures, above, and the three below are by Brad Reynolds, '67-68.
They were all friends of Brad's. Most are dead. If you know their names please
let us know. It's important. (The bottom middle picture is a friend that Brad thinks
was still alive when Brad was medevaced on June 14, 1968.) (August
30, 2001....the middle picture below is of Jack Swan, on our roster and who has
just visited Brad and Debbe!) (February 1, 2002...Marine on the cot is Steve
Howsmon, just added to the roster today!)

Reynolds, 1967-68